
How to Fill out a Timesheet – Lesson 1

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1. Pronounce words:

Today we are going to learn how to fill out a timesheet.
Hoy vamos a aprender cómo llenar una hoja de horas trabajadas.
Read the word and use the play ▶ button to hear the pronunciation.
Lea la palabra y use el botón de PLAY ▶ para escuchar la pronunciación.

Word 1: Administrator (“administrador” in Spanish)

Word 2: Arrive (“llegar” in Spanish)

Word 3: Signature (“firma” in Spanish”)

Word 4: Fax (“fax” in Spanish)

Word 5: Receive (“recibir” in Spanish)

Word 6: Delays (“retrasos” in Spanish)

Word 7: Timesheet (“hoja de tiempo” in Spanish)

Word 8: Leave (“irse de” in Spanish)

Word 9: Date (“fecha” in Spanish)

Word 10: Payment (“pago” in Spanish)


