
Sing “Hello”! (with translation)

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This song makes me want to sing every time it comes on the radio! Watch the video with the lyrics and sing four times today.

Too much? Sing the chorus out loud:
Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Did you understand all of the words? Go to Google Translate to translate any words that you don’t know.

Find lyrics (words) for all the songs you love to sing. Go to Youtube.

Type in your favorite singer or song, followed by “lyrics”. For example, type “Beatles Yesterday lyrics”.

Sing all the words out loud!

 ¡Cante “Hola”!

¡Esta canción me hace querer cantar cada vez que viene en la radio! Vea el video con la letra y cante cuatro veces hoy.

¿Demasiado? Cante el coro en voz alta:
Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done
But when I call you never seem to be home

¿Entendió todas las palabras? Vaya al Traductor de Google para traducir cualquier palabra que no conoce.

Encuentre letra letra (palabras) para todas las canciones que le encanta cantar. Vaya a YouTube.

Busque su cantante o canción favorita, seguido por “letra”. Por ejemplo, escriba “Beatles Yesterday letra”.

¡Cante todas las palabras en voz alta!