
Visiting the Doctor for a Fractured Knee – Level 1

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1. Learn new words

Today we are going to learn about how to visit the doctor for a fractured knee .

Hoy vamos a aprender sobre cómo hacer una visita al doctor por tener una rodilla fracturada.

Read the word and use the play ▶ button to hear the pronunciation.

Lea la palabra y use el botón de PLAY ▶ para escuchar la pronunciación.

TEAR: a hole or split in something caused by it having been pulled apart forcefully

SLIGHTLY: a little

KNEE: the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg where it bends in the middle

QUITE A BIT: a fairly large number

A FEW: a small number of

SURGERY: medical treatment of injuries or diseases that involves cutting open a person's body

