
Inspiration – Level 1

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1. Learn new words

Today we are going to learn about the skill of self confidence.

Hoy vamos a aprender sobre la habilidad de tener confianza en sí mismo.

Read the word and use the play â–¶ button to hear the pronunciation.

Lea la palabra y use el botón de PLAY ▶ para escuchar la pronunciación.

PAST LIFE: a hypothetical existence prior to the present one, esp. for those believing in reincarnation

CHAMPIONSHIP: a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport

SCHOLARSHIPS: an amount of money given to somebody by an organization to help pay for their education

PROFESSOR: a university teacher of the highest rank

COACH: a person who trains a person or team in sport

WIN: to be the most successful in a competition, race, battle, etc.

