
3 Reasons We Need Immigration Reform Now – Level 3

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The focus of this week will be immigration. Use these words to talk to your co-workers, classmates, or new friends about this topic! Having conversations in English may be scary at first, but it is a great way to practice your English and get to know people better.

1. Watch the video:

2. Read the text

Our immigration system is broken here.
Almost 17 million people live in mixed-status families.
… sometimes stops them from taking them to school, reporting crimes to the police, or even going to the doctor.
Ninety percent of those detained are men, creating many single-mother households.
… deportations haven’t helped us improve our immigration system.

3. Take the quiz

Don’t be shy and practice saying these words and phrases to yourself, first. If you are meeting someone for the first time, introduce yourself.

This topic is only a suggestion. If talking to someone about immigration is hard to do, talk about something that is important to you or about something that interests you! It’s always easier to talk about something you are passionate about! Once the conversation is flowing, you’ll be surprised how much you have in common with people from different walks of life!

<– Go to Level 2