
Math Words – Level 3

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3. Watch the video:

4. Read the text:

Math vocabulary

Plus: To add something, 1+1= 2
Minus: It is a subtraction, 21= 1
Times: It is used for multiplication, 2x2= 4
Divide: You can use divided by, 2/2= 1
Equal: We use this before we present the solution, 4+4= 8
Equation: The process you need to do in order to solve something, 3-2= 1
Percent: Used in sales and in math, 50% off
Remainder: Something that is left over, 1.44444444
Even: 2,4,6,8…
Odd: 1,3,5,7,9…

5. Take the quiz:
Match the picture with its word

